Write a Letter to Your Inner Critic


There are lots of things that can prevent us from making art but perhaps the most debilitating and most common is fear. As young people so many of us were discouraged from truly tapping into our creative selves. We were told that we lacked talent or not to waste time making art because it was not a practical pursuit.

As adults we should be free to run wild and make as much art as we’d like. Right?

Unfortunately, some of us have internalized the criticism we received when we were younger and the negative comments have now become material for our own inner critic. If you want to get on with art making but feel blocked by fear and doubt try standing up to your inner critic. Write a letter telling your inner critic that you heard the criticism but that you are now letting it go. Here is an example of a letter I wrote to my inner critic.

Dear ugly inner critic,

I heard you say that I can’t draw but I don’t agree with you anymore. There are many ways of drawing and there is no one way that is correct. I am letting your comments go. I am free to draw as much and in any way that I desire. The way that I draw is the right way because it is how I draw. 


Keep this letter and refer to it any time you are feeling blocked. Hopefully reading it will give you the boost of confidence you need to continue with your artwork.

I’d love to hear if this works for you. Please let me know in the comments below.